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Call Center Ramshyam’s New Approach to Handling Irate Callers

Denver — December 10, 2008

Ramshyam has recently announced a new approach to handling irate callers. The company’s CEO laid it out in a blog post in 3 easy steps. It is not so much that this is a new technique for Ramshyam as much as it is a transparent explanation of their services.

In this economic day and age there is no end to the need for affordable high quality services. As the US economy slows down, business owners all over America have to find methods of offering high quality services at less cost to themselves.

The problems that are being faced come from a need for personnel but the lack of resources to hire them. This is why in the past year more and more business owners have been turning to outsourcing their call center and programming needs.

America is in the new economic era, one in which boarders and nationalities are being overcome by economic need. India has become one of the hot beds of highly educated affordable personnel. The question for most Western business owners is how to navigate these new international partnerships.

In fact, although this seems like a daunting task it is not as difficult as one might think. The fear about communication difficulties and the insecurities of dealing with a foreign company are becoming less and less founded in reality.

Call Center Ramshyam, stepping forward in this way to offer clear and concise information about their approach, puts them at the head of the pack of new outsourcing services.

The focus for outsourcing companies is to offer a safe and more sophisticated service then has been available before. Ramshyam is a company that offers a variety of services in the inbound call center industry. They are a good example of where the market is going.

Ramshyam has a laundry list of services to help any company that has a phone number and is involved with customer relations. Practically speaking this includes most businesses. Ramshyam is an example of an overseas company that not only offers phone answering services, the company offers order taking services, customer support, product support, IT support and back office service, just to name a few. They also offer multiple payment plans that help make their services available to a wide range of businesses, from very large to very small.

As things are getting tighter for businesses all over the western world it is important to find alternative solutions to overcoming traditional problems. The key to the current market is not sacrificing quality in that process. This recent detailed description of how Ramshyam will handle a troubled client is a show of transparency, designed to highlight the quality of service they offer.

To learn more go to

Why do so many businesses use Ramshyam as their offshore call center? Perhaps its because there are multiple different facets that make up this incredible resource. A core resource at Ramshyam is their 24/7/365 service. How many companies in the world can boast they literally have around-the-clock phone services?

The company takes a great deal of pride in the time and energy taken to ensure that all information presented to each customer is correct and current.

If you are like most companies and do not enjoy dealing with upset or irate customers than that is one more reason to let Ramshyams’s professionals handle the situation. Ramshyam’s staff is trained to work with customers, no matter their emotional state.

One of the best perks of the company can be found in their customer analysis. Ramshyam is constantly tracking all interactions with the customers to gain greater insight into each customer’s buying patterns and behavior. Not only are you hiring an utterly professional call center but you are also receiving a complete analysis of your customer’s positive and negative feedback, in order to better understand your position in whatever industry you work in.

At a time when the world stands at the edge of an unprecedented financial crisis, Ramshyam is an asset resource in the world marketplace. Offering some of the most competitive prices in the market and multiple different service packages, such as per minute billing, which serves better for those with a low call volume or per agent billing for those with a high level of phone traffic. They offer a no minimum contract so, no matter the size of your business, take advantage of this reliable and affordable company.

In short, Ramshyam is a trusted Offshore Service provider offering low cost, 24/7 inbound call center services, data entry services & knowledge-driven services to enterprises in US, UK & Europe.


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